OCTOBER 18, 2025

Washington, DC



The facts

  • Illicit fentanyl IS NOT the same as prescription grade products we currently use in the U.S.. In Illicit fentanyl the base fentanyl molecule is modified to add branches to increase potency and/or chemical replacements are added during it’s processing. Illicit fentanyl analogues are unfit for use in human beings due to their exceedingly high potency and vast potential for lethality.

  • China began mass manufacturing and distributing illicit fentanyl products as early as 2013. Since that time they have continued to mass manfacture and distribute illicit fentanyl and it’s precursor chemical 4-ANPP in collaboration with Mexico’s drug cartels. China remains the number one global source for illicit fentanyl and it’s precursor chemicals.

  • Fake pills which are deiberately made to mimic commonly used and safe trademarked pharmaceutical products such as Xanax, Adderall, Vicodin, Percocet, Oxycodone and Oxycontin have flooded the U.S. black markets. Additionally, illicit fentanyl contaminated drugs have gone mainstream including ecstasy, cocaine, methamphetamines, marijuana, heroin and more.

  • Most victims DID NOT KNOW they were about to consume illicit fentanyl.

    Anytime a person willfully hides or disguises a harmful substance for another to consume without knowlege or intent - and it causes harm or death it is a poisoning NOT an “over-dose”. There are no “safe” doses for illicit fentanyl nor are there instructions being ignored or exceeded by the victims for illicit fentanyl products.

    Using the accurate terms to describe our losses not only changes how the public views these tragic deaths and near death injuries but it will also invoke appropriate and necessary response efforts to save lives.

  • Illicit fentanyl poisonings are not limited to any one group of people. They are impacting ALL segments of the U.S. population.

    Illicit fentanyl poisoning deaths and near death injuries have occurred in every known demographic including those who did not use drugs, those who used drugs or off market pills occasionally as well as those who tried or used a drug or off market pill for the very first time.

    Currently the fastest growing demographic for illicit fentanyl related injuries and deaths are among children ages 14 and under.


Who we are

We are a non-profit organization comprised of bereaved families devoted to education, public awareness and the prevention of  illicit fentanyl poisonings


As you're aware, I, nor Lost Voices of Fentanyl would ever promote a harm reduction test. That being said, there is FINALLY one we can promote, as well as an actual dip-card test as well. I am so proud to be partnered with The Fentanyl Test, America's first FDA approved dip-card, At-Home, OTC test for Fentanyl that detects to 1ng/mL, is accurate to over 99%, and returns results in 5-minutes. Every single home needs an OTC test, and their harm reduction test that detects to 1mg/ml (a grain of sand) on any surface, spill, powder, gel, and even liquid for fentanyl and all derivatives. I am also incredibly humbled and proud that this company is full of true integrity and good ambition as a portion of every single test The Fentanyl Test sells, a portion of the proceeds will be donated to Lost Voices of Fentanyl to benefit the families of victims of fentanyl poisoning, and help fund our organization. Please get involved in our fight and order your test now at and enter coupon code LVOF at checkout for 10% off your entire order. Thank you."   -- April Babcock, Founder L.V.O.F.